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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Restoration of Faith

You know, I've never been a great fan of Tom Cruise. His movies are good, I will admit, but nothing spectacular. Usually, if one of his movies was spectacular, it probably didn't have a great deal to do with him, the writing was good, someone else was better, etc. etc.

Personally, I think the dude's a douchebag.

I mean, all that crap between him and Brooke Sheilds, about how you don't go to a psychotherapist because they're all quacks, and in turn, she's a quack, or whatever the hell all that crap was, not to mention all the Scientology bullshit. Douchetastic.

All that said, I want to see Knight and Day (2010) because he's in it, and he looks funny.

Why the sudden change in perspective? Why do I suddenly enjoy the idea of watching Tom Cruise, specifically, on screen? Find out after the jump.

In case you don't know...

If you don't know who or what this is, then WATCH TROPIC THUNDER. Do it. You'll thank me later.
Tom Cruise's role as Les Grossman absolutely RESTORED my faith in Tom Cruise. After seeing this, I want to see MORE. After seeing a trailer for Knight and Day preceding the absolutely EPIC movie of the century, Avatar, I want to see more Tom Cruise.

Oddly enough, it's made me like some of his older roles, as well, such as Minority Report and even Jerry McGuire. Hasn't cured me from my distaste of Vanilla Sky, though.

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